Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, November 27, 2023

Burn Like Jesus: Chapter 5

My guides told me my soul was up in heaven making jokes. Some of them were funny, some of them were not. I was worried. Was I making a fool of myself up there?

I was in the kitchen one night, believing in ghosts, when my guides told me it was time for taste bud balancing. Taste bud balancing was something we did from time to time, where they had me eat just a morsel of a few different foods of different tastes.

Okay, first, a pinch of sugar.

Okay, now sour. One of those pickled pepper rings should do it.

Now, something bitter. Tumeric is good for that. Just a tad.

Now, umami. A small piece of roast beef is good.

Salty. A touch of salt.

Now, we are going to do one more. This is a taste that people know about, but don't like to talk about. It's pungent.

In the background, I heard a voice, “I don't want to talk about it!”

I laughed at this, hard. I took a piece of parmesan cheese, as instructed, and ate it.

Who was that? I asked. The person who said, “I don't want to talk about it?”

Oh, that. That's your soul making jokes up here.

I laughed my head off at this joke. With the Adderall brain, I also had an issue where I would laugh too much at one funny thing, even things that weren't all that funny, if they tickled my fancy the right way. This did it.

What is it saying now? My soul?

What do you think? I'm telling your secrets! He said.

What is he saying now?

So you think you know possums? No way, jose! I'm a possum! Get it? O-possum?

I laughed really hard. What is he saying now?

So you think you know calculus? Derivative me a sandwich, bitch!

I laughed really hard.

What is he saying now?

Why don't you and I get together, take on the world and be together forever... I'm talking to you, girl.

He was coming on to me!

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