Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Zuhl Family Points of Interest, "Culture"

A more poignant point of interest to the Zuhl Family than Eminem at all might come down to the day Rachel woke up in a stupor from a ridiculously stressful dream. She came down, sat at the dinner table and said, "I had a dream that my iPhone disappeared. There was a message on the computer that said, if this trick right here doesn't work to get your iPhone back, you must be in an alternate universe!" I tried it and it didn't work. The thing about this situation, to me it wasn't a dream, I stated it out loud as if this situation actually really happened to me. Kristen said, "Huh?" And I responded like, "What the fuck Kristen? I just told you what fucking happened. My iPhone disappeared and my computer will not give it back to me." Kristen said "Huh?" And Ian responded with a shush. I understood later, I was still not awake when I came down and explained that situation at the dinner table. I was still in a sleep-like stupor, that dream was so stress filled to me you had no idea. "The dream meant I was in an alternate universe!" Yeah, well, then the iPhone disappeared in August 2022, which lead to the Black Power Brigade and immediately after I achieved Warp Speed. The issues, the problems, flew at me so fast right there and I was astounded at how well I handled every single one of them. With incredible grace and precision. And you know, I didn't think the "Black Power Brigade" was THAT funny of a joke, okay. Seriously, no I did not. There is something serious about that joke I understood, but damn, I was so impressed at how I had already "William Vandergaw Tricked" that guy and damn the spiritual possession I suspected over the infamous "William Vandergaw Incident" actually came back, and was thrown in my face as something very positive. A personal best. Man, I could not get over how impressed with myself I was. And yes, it made sense, my iPhone disappeared right there, yes an alternative universe, and yes I reached warp speed. A lot of stuff happened right after. Don't get overwhelmed thinking Jason or any friend I have at all right now is so fucking important to me, I was more impressed that the mission was real. Well, the Jason situation went somewhere. Good. That could potentially, and I would have to ask, might be more important to anyone I know than anything Eminem has ever said or done. First it was Dr. Dre in my bed, assuring me Eminem does not understand because he was white. And then Debbie Mathers. Yeah, I don't hate your mother either, Eminem. Some people in my life might be more concerned that I will stop eating altogether, than that I will get fat. I point to that issue. "Yep. Wow, so true." And for the record, Eminem, I have way more social influence in the world than you have. Haha, suck yourself and realize you don't know me this is Eastern Culture. That is all.

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