Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

What's this?

I like to look around for things in my mind and find new things and think about them. That's something I enjoy in life. An old issue from over a year ago, and there may have been thought security breaches by Jason at the time but this hasn't actually... Been thought of as significant although I point at Jason here, huh, did that effect anything? Probably not though. Anyway... There was this thing where Kristen was talking about... Don't make assumptions about thought format, it wasn't Kristen's voice talking. Umm... In a weird way about a car outside by a psychiatrist office? Just a little psychiatrist office, or it could be a dentist or a eye doctor as well, but I say psychiatrist, could be any of those. I also think of fourth grade here, maybe a dentist appointment but that's probably random garble de gook reference that didn't need to be referenced. I don't know. And... something about looking through a window, or something clear, or the old house with my parents, the sky light, all sorts of things get thrown in but it isn't as chaotic as you are thinking. I'm just looking at this in my mind because it is weird, and sometimes, like hey, remember the "ascension key?" What is this... Oh that's SOMETHING, leave it alone (guides say). You wouldn't remember the ascension key that's something in Burn Like Jesus that isn't that important, just something. Anyway, what's the point? To the point more, it's Kristen talking about a mythical car sitting in a parking lot by a tree. A very small parking lot. IN THE SAME.... (this is the part that's important HERE), way she might talk about the light at the end of the tunnel that you walk through when you die. That. Also, everyone said please talk down Kristen's ego. Get over the fact you have a pretty face Kristen. It isn't pretty the way you make it up either, with makeup. Everyone told me, ego detriment Kristen. Also, you and Jason aren't as different reputation-wise on the other side, no. Not right now though... No not true, but... You are smarter than people think NOW, you're also known for being a fucking bitch Jason says, it's something, then he says... "GOD I didn't want to tell her that." So, to sum it up... "Kristen, you're not that pretty and you're not that smart. I'm glad we had this talk."

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