Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Inner Child's Got You Lassooed Around The Ankles

That's a quote from a psychic I heard one time. Do I talk to psychics, even though I am psychic? Yeah, very rarely, but sometimes. There was one I saw awhile back at New Rennaissance Bookstore, not the Archturian guide one... She did an Angel Card or some sort of other card reading for me, and that's what she said. I thought she was the real deal, real enough to be doing what she was doing at least. Of course, when I'm having a good day, I'm better, but yeah. It was good. What's the issue at hand? I'm worried about opposition to me, in my position, for those of you who know what I'm talking about, as most should. Someone very special said about the situation, Subbie informed me: "Yes you do. Oh, you do. You do want opposition. You just don't know it yet! Yes, that's the inner child having you lassooed around the ankles... You are so worried about holding your own in situations where you are face to face with people who oppose you, due to not being bullied or picked on in school... You don't know, you like it and you want it." Anyway... What's the subject at hand? I was riding on the bus in the area, and I saw a sign on the church, part of it said, "We believe Jesus bodily rose from the dead." Which... Potentially could be a reference to something I said? If you are new to me and my situation, don't make assumptions that I'm crazy here, just sayin'. Yeah, could be a coincidence. I had a hunch they weren't being mean though, was something I was thinking... There is a place on my blog where I say, I think Jesus rose from the dead in a form that was more solid than a ghost. Something I wanted to point out, there was some reference to my old Bible study in Coeur D'Alene having something to say about this situation. That means in person, but what I was thinking it was was, you know... That's a funny topic actually. If you think about things, that's probably what it was, but a lot of Christians have a very strange attitude about how you MUST believe his body rose from the dead. That detail is just so unbelievable important to some people. It struck me that this might be a misunderstanding about the way (I believe) things work. First of all, what are ghosts like? Actually, what they say in movies is true. A lot of times, they don't even know they are dead. They are stuck in some sort of strange mental state that is very discombobulated and not all that intelligent. If the spirit of the ghost is intelligent, sometimes the ghost can say something intelligent. In general though, ghosts are dumb. Dumb as fuck. Sometimes they realize they are dead, but the part of the mental capacity used to assess the situation is compromised, kind of like a dream-like state. My belief system about Jesus Christ... For one I think it was probably the weirdest thing that ever happened, in history. There was a big difference between the form Jesus was in when he rose from the dead, and a ghost. I don't think you would be able to touch Jesus in this state. You might not know the difference between him and a living person, and he was very coherent and just as intelligent as he was when he was alive. That's what I believe. So, if you believe I go to hell for not thinking his body rose too... It was a miracle nonetheless, this was not a normal occurence, obviously. And by the way, geez, is this something you want to think? That if you don't accept Jesus as your savior, you are going to hell. I mean, I didn't actually ask the religious establishment exactly what they believed, but damn that's a belief that's depressing and kind of dumb, honestly, but you better believe me when I say I forgive Christians for having this belief. I just do. That is what the Bible says, and there is something weird about this weird ass Bible book. There was just something weird about Jesus and the Bible, I agree. And if an authority tells you something... And you've been told that all your life, yeah, you might be hesitant to drop that belief a the drop of a hat. And I'm not Jesus. Nope. Not Jesus.

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