Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, November 24, 2014


So, I am going to take the time to discuss... WONKY ROMANCE CORDS!!!!

This is a very serious, horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE topic!!! No one should have to deal with wonky romance cords!!!

First off, I know all about energy cords. There are certain, unscrupulous people, who send people who they have romantic feelings for, energy cords.

First off, let's discuss energy cords. Most emotional relationships between people, involve energy cords. Energy cords do not exist on the physical realm, but on the spiritual plane, or something like it. When you are born, you have a horrible emotional cord attached to your mom. Soon after birth, you attach a very similar, usually a little bit less intense one to your dad.

When you meet a girl or guy, and you decide you like them... you attach a crush cord. When you get a little bit better acquainted, and you have romantic feelings, you might both agree, on a deep, deep subconscious level, to attach an adult relationship cord.

But sometimes, something horrible happens. Certain unscrupulous people will send people, who they are usually romantically interested in a serious way, wonky romance cords, or joke cords, as my guides call them. Not necessarily though. Some people send out wonky romance cords every which way.

Most people, when faced on the receiving end of a wonky romance cord, do not attach. No way, jose. Certain people do though. People like me. And others. Not usually lonely people, but people who are interested very, very highly in the opposite sex, and the person who is sending the cord.

This is a horrible, horrible topic. Wonky romance cords create feelings of intense, intense longing for the person. THEY DO NOT GO AWAY EASILY!!! You have to redirect the energy elsewhere, which is difficult as all fuck if your feelings are strong. Usually when you have a wonky romance cord, you attach lots of strong crush cords along with the wonky romance cord.

Not all wonky romance cords are the same. I will tell you about my experiences with these types of cords. I have had two separate guys, who I liked a lot, attach the same sort of wonky romance cords to me.

This cord was a cord to make me care about this man's opinion, or something like it, only. WHAT A HORRIBLE CORD!!!! THIS CORD WORKS!!!!

So what it was like was, I thought this guy hated me. And he was the only person in the entire world whose opinion I cared about. This was my life at Innercept, baby. This lead me to intense suicidal feelings, as I thought this one person, who was the only person in the world whose opinion I cared about, hated me. MY ENTIRE, ENTIRE, ENTIRE SELF WORTH DEPENDED ON THIS PERSON'S OPINION!!!


Shortly after I came home, I liked another guy, and my spirit guides did their best to cut the first cord to the first guy.


So, this wasn't as horrible as the first situation... this guy, I thought actually liked me. Still, it was horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible.

Recently, I cut this cord. Over and over and over and over again. Because he attached it over and over and over and over again!! I had that cord a bazillion times!!! At night, I would lie awake, or half awake in bed, tossing and tossing, turning and turning, worrying about what this guy thought of me... Now.... to fuck if I care!!

That's what I said!! TO FUCK IF I CARE!!!!

Someone new attached a new wonky romance cord to me the other day. I like this guy a lot, but this relationship isn't going anywhere. I will cut the cord eventually, when I feel it is right.

Why did the one guy attach the cord over and over and over again? BECAUSE HE WANTED IT TO BE AS STRONG AS POSSIBLE!!!

This is what it is like. Everything I do. Does this please master? Does this please master? Does this please master?

IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!?! DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT?! Everywhere I go, everything I do, I neurotically worry that it has to please this one guy or else I might as well put a gun in my mouth.

That's not the horrible part. The horrible part is, a lot of times, AT LEAST WITH ME, these guys actually don't want a relationship. They like me, but have issues, so it's like, well, now I have horribly strong neurotic feelings for you that make me feel like shooting myself, and we can't have a relationship?!


Did this happen to you? Does this sound like you? Do you have horribly strong feelings for someone you don't really like, or love, or know that well? Energy work, baby. You need energy work. It ain't love, baby. Don't think it's love. It's a fucking cord that shouldn't be there. That's all.


  1. Not all "cords," as you call them, are romantic in nature. There are those of us (of the male gender) who care deeply for you in a non-romantic way and genuinely want to see you get to a place where you are truly happy. I, for one, have sent you all the positive energy I can muster in the hopes that you might feel it bear you up in the darkest of moments. I may not know EXACTLY what it's like to be in your situation, but I am no stranger to the dark. I know you have what it takes to come through this without murdering anyone. I don't always agree with how you handle things or with everything you say, but I do not judge you for that. You are loved unconditionally by those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear.

  2. The vast majority of people do not send these cords. I receive lots of positive energy from a lot of people on a regular basis, and I thank you for sending it because it helps a lot. People who send these cords are rare, the vast majority of the male and female population do not send joke cords. I appreciate your concern. You are very correct, not all cords are romantic, or neurotic, some people connect cords of a friendship nature. I know you and you are a good guy, very intelligent, and happy to help people in need. That is your psychic reading for today.

    1. I’m glad you understand. So many do not and I often worry that these strong emotional attachments I feel toward certain others (kindred spirits, if you will) of either gender, which I know to be sincerely motivated, get twisted and distorted by those on the receiving end into something never intended. Sadly, the experiences of life have left some super-cynical to the point where they don’t believe it is possible for someone to care for someone else without there being some kind of romantic/sexual agenda or other selfish, ulterior motive. I’m like you in the sense that even the slightest hint that someone is to blame for something makes me feel guilty and self-conscious as fuck, even in scenarios in which there is no logical connection between me and the flinging of the flung turd. I feel responsible for EVERYTHING in my reality, even that which affects others around me, whether I am to blame or not. It is part of the curse of being an INFJ (of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. See http://www.personalitypage.com/INFJ.html). I know you understand where I’m coming from.

  3. Here is a more complete version of the INFJ profile which has helped me understand a great deal about myself: https://dhrm.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/INFJ.pdf
