Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, August 23, 2014

God Doesn't Love You

So I notice there is this common sentiment amongst the Christian community that God loves you just the way you are. He doesn't care if you are black, white, hispanic, asian, albino, whatever. He loves you despite your faults, your weaknesses, your transgressions. He loves every single one of you.

Bull. Shit. Well, part of that is true, actually. He doesn't care what race you are. He hates you for who you are.

Chances are, God doesn't love you.

I am sick of this sappy, lovey-dovey, effervescent deity imagery. God is great, sure. But he is not sappy. He doesn't love everyone. Sure, he likes a lot a people. He loves some really awesome people who strike his fancy. He doesn't like the sucky people, the mean people, the stupid people, the dull people.

This is all a ploy from the egotistical, stupid, mean, vast majority of the population. They want to think they can do mean things, think mean thoughts, picket abortion centers, attend sexy ecstasy parties, run rampant, spit on people, be nasty, blithering, pieces of shit, and no matter what they do, GOD STILL LOVES THEM! God is unconditional love! THANK GOD FOR GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!

Well let me tell you something, pea brains. If you suck, God doesn't love you. If you rape that baby, God doesn't love you. If you spew that dim-witted atheist rhetoric, God doesn't love you.

God hates militant atheists, agnostics, and Christians. God hates mean-spirited people. If you are stupid, even if you think you are smart and making a coherent argument, God sees through that bullshit. He hates you for the wretched scum of the Earth you are.

God doesn't hate gay people. Sure, he hates some gay people. But he doesn't hate them BECAUSE they are gay. He made them that way. He hates them when they are lousy people.

God hates hippies. Lousy creatures who drive low gas mileage, parade around the Saturday markets, smoking dope, low lives. There are better ways to help the planet.

So chances are, God doesn't love you. Chances are, God dislikes you though. He might even hate you. He might like you. He might love you. But don't count on God loving you. Jesus will love you no matter what, because he is God's gory sappy side. But don't bother praying to him. Or anyone. Count on the people who care about you.

I'm sick of these people. God loves everyone, equally. They don't want to think that God plays favorites. They don't want to think that the person who matters prefers their happy, virtuous neighbor over them. Well let me tell you something. He can and does. Because God is a badass. Not a sappy man on ecstasy.

If you want unconditional love, go to a rave. That's the closest you will come. Unconditional love is a pipe dream. You don't deserve unconditional love, you big loon. Unconditional love is a pipe dream. The only person you feels that way is your mother. And she still secretly considers you her helpless little bundle of joy.

God knows you. He doesn't love you. He abhors the crap out of you. So stop whining to Him about your problems. Chances are, he doesn't listen. He's not going to change His Divine Plan just because you told him to. Quit whining, quit praying, and get up on your hooves and do something about it! And quit smoking dope while you're at it.

The Spirit Girl
AKA God's Favorite

EDIT: I'm not trying to be mean by saying this I'm just stating the facts. God's personality is more Old Testament. What I'm trying to say is, you shouldn't care what God thinks because his opinion of you isn't as important as you think. Different strokes for different folks. Being mean to those who deserve it isn't a bad thing. It's actually a good thing.

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