Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Other Morning...

Well, I have been keeping a tid bit from my readers. There was some reason I had to wait to right now to tell the story from awhile ago or not that long ago but maybe several weeks, dunno how long, maybe a month I guess?

I was awake in the wee hours of the morning as usual, and there was someone attacking me and I was blocking, or so I thought. At some point they were finished attacking me, and I was left with something wrong with my brain. It's hard to understand, but the part of my brain I move or something... I was hooked like I was caught in a strait jacket, with the dopamine receptors or something, maybe serotonin as well, as I heard in my head that this thing sort of recreates serotonin syndrome (my spirit guides told me my mom has this, where the serotonin receptors aren't working properly), but even sicker and weirder. I didn't panic, I sat there, and as I explained to the FBI, moved the brain parts in a fashion that kind of resembled Bernice trying to brush her hair after she bobbed it in the classic high school English class movie, "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." I did not panic or worry. There were thoughts of feeling like a victim going through my mind right here, and I instructed myself to stop whining as it was getting in the way of me freeing myself from this (it was a simple command, 'stop whining,' not a belittling to Conscie "whine whine you whiner kind of deal, which the witch I was looking at with my subconscious mind, saw and thought was important), and not very much time later I was back to normal, I found a way to get them apart, and it was something I remembered that I could recreate.

The witch continued to watch, as he thought later might be a good time to try this again, but ha later isn't an issue if you're me.

There was something in my mind about how this entangled brain state snaps together when the subject panics, which due to spirit guide training I don't do.

Also, this was Mr. Fictitious Last Name Michael's (I can't use his name anymore for some reason, not sure so I'll just say this), attempt at getting me to commit suicide, and it costed more than the kitchen sink and stuff, I was told $50,000 but this might not be exact. This was part of a rainy day/retirement fund he had, and it was blown in one fall swoop as the witch gets paid based on the work he does, there isn't a satisfaction guarantee. The witch treated me in a slightly sweet manner after this, and then disappeared.

I laughed my head off at this situation. I was told by my spirit guides this guy thought he would make money from interviews with the media afterwards.

Anyway, I wasn't worried. Then they did it again at one point, someone did, don't know if it was on a whim of a witch or if they were paid again, I woke up and my brain was like this again. I did not panic, worked under pressure, it was harder this time but I got it undone and back to normal without panicing, just a small release of a neurotransmitter that I was annoyed by because I wanted it to be completely done in stride and forgotten about, which it was. The neurotransmitter was a feeling of horror concerned with the situation, which was mild but not conducive to the task at hand.

Then, the other morning, I don't remember what I was doing when I noticed, but they got me hitched up and tangled another way, which I patiently tried to resolve, and eventually succeeded, but it was in a way designed specifically for the mindflip, which if I have, and I am not lying, and you know that you shouldn't try to interfere it means I am right.

So I was left again with the classic scenario of the guy who threw his life savings out the window. The witch had told him this was impossible to get out of, but nope I did it with the mindflip.

I don't know if they have theories, but if you can rewire the brain in some way, it indicates design, which indicates God exists, and Christian framework. Well, no, but I have it. Close enough, yes.

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