Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Heads Up, Rational Thinking Errors Big and Small

 "All girls in junior high, paint their nails, before going to school. So Rachel is CLEARLY LYING!!" -Mystery Person, in Mystery Situation Regarding Excusable Reasoning Failure

When women trust their man's judgment on parenting issues, big and small, and on big and small reasoning issue's, the woman's judgment is taken into account... BEWARE. Situations, big and small, with women who know nothing but men believe they are sound reasoning, due to reasoning issues and conventional wisdom, BEWARE, obviously, effects are uniform, behavior is predictable, and as common knowledge suggests, predictable patterns of behavior and bodily function can be applied to ALL SITUATIONS ON THE EARTH PLANE, big and small, spiritual plane and brain function notwithstanding. Therefore, sound judgment, on personality issues, thinking errors and bulimia notwithstanding (anorexia nervosa, spiritual plane anorexia situation, extreme energy workout situation, dreamy sleep issues notwithstanding...)... Personality Type A, or Personality Type B, WHICH IS IT? Now, only fools, and I repeat, only FOOLS, would bend the criteria to include Personality Type C or D, or God, for the Love of God, Sophie... Did you hear? There are not blow jobs in heaven, okay... Or rather, Chance, Rachel, Ethan, and Robin... Alfred is still an outcast, as for now, and he really doesn't want to be remembered in such a negative light, however.... Fuck, are you still here? What was I talking about again? Or rather, when sad, wimpy reasoning, results in sad, wimpy reasoning rubbing off on other people, and then they go off on Class 2 KILLING SPREES... Now, did that even happen? No, but that was one thing we did together... And then, someone, pulled a trigger... Was it mine? Did he really say that, okay? WAS IT MINE.....?

The End.....?

Time for a break, when the nail polish rule of women in junior high, starts getting applied in a uniform fashion... And I won't tell your secrets, okay... But for the love of God, you make things up about me... So if you want...

The Beginning....?

Warm wishes, salutations, blow job certificates, FOREVER... LOVE.... THE END? Or the beginning? Or the end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end? Which door closed? Which door opened?

Am I still sitting here?

Ethan.... <3 <3 <3

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