Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Astral Travel And Consenting to the String

Surrendor. That's what I'm preparing for by reading. Other than that, let's take some time out to tell people about astral travel!

A couple nights ago, my guides helped me do astral travel. It starts like a lucid dream. In lucid dreams, I for one always start out by lying in my bed in my body and then getting out of my body by leaving it. Only, I'm not really leaving my body! It's only in my mind!

Some people can astral travel in lucid dreams instead of leaving their bodies and being hookers. That's what I do I always decide to be a hooker in a lucid dream. No reason. I wouldn't particularly want to be a hooker in real life... That's just what I do in lucid dreams.

Lucid dreams are pretty dumb and pointless. There's nothing you can do besides dumb sex acts! There's nothing to find out, no one gives you accurate answers when you ask... They just say random shit. Nothing interesting happens, the dream just tries to make you unconscious again. The only thing you can do is run around and fuck people.

Anyway, that's why astral travel is preferred. Awhile ago, I did it with my guides. The other night, we went to a different astral plane.

So it starts out where you are asleep going into a lucid dream, and you are lying in your body and your guides do something to put you on the right plane. Then, you think of someone to visit! There are so many people to visit!

The first time I did astral travel, I visited this one guy I had a crush on, then I visited Terry and Angela whom I don't have crushes on.

This time, it was all crush people. I visited this one guy, and he told me his spirit animal was the snake and we compared spirit animals. My guides told me that guy's spirit animal is not the snake, he just said that because it was a phallic symbol.

I visited Adam, who was reading my book and stopped reading and stopped talking to me. At least I tried to visit him, he wouldn't visit with me!

I visited Aaron Ross and he avoided me at first. Then, he started talking to me and we were going to get married. I didn't understand what it meant to him to get married. He told me it was to attach a string. There is this thing you can do, where you attach a string on this astral plane. The string is kind of like a wonky romance cord and only goes one way. So if someone attaches a string to you, and they only do so with your consent... You will have a very strong fixation on them for real. That's what everyone here says.

Every single fucking person I visited on this plane tried to attach a string! No, they wouldn't want to attach one on a conscious level.... They would think that was bad, probably. *scratches head* Anyway, everyone I visited tried to attach the same string and it was annoying! So you are sitting around, having some laughs, having sex... And then suddenly their demeanor changes. And they say, let's attach a string! It will create a sense of deep inner peace between us! And they think it's a good idea.

Anyway, if this happened.... It would take effect in about a month. You would suddenly find yourself thinking about the person in a real way, and wanting sexual acts with them. It's a very sexual thing. If the string is cut, you can cut it with energy work.

Does this ever happen? NO! No one ever consents to the string. That's why there is no use in energy work for string removal, though they do know it.

What kind of person would consent to a string on this level? Lots of really dumbfuck people. It is a straw man argument. No one consents to the string!

It's a really wonky thing about this astral plane. JUST THINKING ABOUT IT IS WONKING ME OUT! This fucking string thing is wonky!

It's not on all astral planes. This is a hard one to reach.

There was something my guides did that didn't make the book because it was weird and not important. I was at the nail salon one time, having a good time getting my nails done, when I went into the bathroom to urinate. As I was sitting there, my guides attached a cord from me to my mom. The cord was to make my mom think I was helping out around the country store. I was like, what the fuck? And they told me there was a country store on the astral plane. I worked at a country store with my mom. I also write short stories that are really popular. My dad owns a strip club, but instead of women dancing it was something along the lines of dogs. My sister works at a strip club and has money issues but is helped out by random strangers all the time in the form of generous tips.

Anyway, this is not the same astral plane but is something related. There is no awareness at all in this astral plane we are talking about now. There is awareness in the string astral plane. The other astral plane is kind of like a side effect of the Earth plane. All this stuff is kind of like quantum mechanics in the spirit world.

Anyway, is there awareness on the string astral plane? Yes. There is not that much though. If I were to visit you on the astral plane, you would know about it on some level but not be able to access it in your mind at all except on the a similar level to the level you talk to people subconsciously on. However, you would not talk about it because you wouldn't know about it on this level either. You would know about it though. On some fucking level. Anyway.

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