Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Around and Around We Go!

Whatever! Sweetheart Samantha said to Ruby Lovegirl.

So what? Ruby said back. I like him, you know! He's funny and intelligently arousing when he touches himself to the rhythm of the music!

So go ask him out! Samantha screamed at Ruby.

Ruby sauntered over to Godo. He was stunning. She put her hand on his bicep and screamed. The next thing you know, Godo was making out with her! All happened so fast! Everyone was watching!

There was a newsflash in the local paper: local man eats woman out and loves it!

Every day, there was a new newsflash! Local woman sucks cock and spits than swallows after a lot of stern talking from the other man!

Then, there was a real shocker: Local man eats pussy too hard and finds something wrong with it: She has herpes!

No way! Samantha screamed at Ruby who was bawling.

No way! Ruby screamed back.

No way! Godo's younger brother Kiddo said to them.

Then the four of them looked on. When they looked on, Godo came back with his test results!

Positive for herpes of the throat and genitals!

Sincerely, Ruby apologized. One time when she was at Food Situations Anonymous, she had sex with a man without checking his genitalia first. When she woke up a few mornings later, she had broken out all over her genitals. When she thought about that morning, she cried hard each time it didn't happen the way she wanted it to happen.

Whatever, Ruby, Samantha said to Ruby. They all four walked home. When they got to Samantha's house, it was time for s'mores!

What a romp! Mystic #3 said to Mystic #4. When they got done philosophizing over something else entirely, the third mystic in the group stopped talking and started making weird noises. They called an ambulance, as this was abnormal mystic behavior.

When they cleaned up the mess, there was something amiss! A piece of plastic left on the counter. It looked like it contained a one month prescription to Adderall! Ruby looked on. She didn't want them to know it was hers.

Ruby, is that your Adderall you left behind? Samantha yelled over the sound of the mystics talking to the cops.

No way! No way! No way!

MINE! Samantha grabbed it and took three. When the police had left the building, she removed her clothes to see if she was skinny yet.

The four of them walked to the store to buy cantaloupe. When they got back, each piece of cantaloupe in the package had a small piece of yarn on it. When they looked closely, they wondered how that could have happened.

No one know. This mystery haunted them for a long time later. At the end of a particularly gruesome haunting, everyone was left baffled by another ball of yarn at a saw mill a day after the last of the pieces of yarn were collected from the cantaloupe. On and on it went. Everywhere you look, in every paper, yarn mystery was on the cover. When they finally got to the bottom of the problem, they didn't want to tell anyone that it was that mysterious young fellow Kiddo, he was always so nice on the surface but so two-faced underneath. When they got home from another day of band practice, they found wire utensils in all of the drawers instead of napkins. When Kiddo didn't finally fess up, they forced it out of him by slowly tearing holes in all four of his internal organs over and over again until he bled to death. This story didn't make the papers.

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