Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Burn Like Jesus: The Beginning

Chapter 1

On the surface, I was doing little more than “recovering” in my parent's eyes. Underneath, I was doing all sorts of fun and interesting stuff. It was hard to imagine what my life had been before my spirit guides entered the picture, what with my rampant fear of homelessness. Now, I had a promising career as a medium and energy worker. I looked around the house. Everywhere I went, I was looking at fun in the sun. I watched television, and my guides always provided commentary on whatever I was watching. I couldn't imagine watching television without commentary. I knew I would make it out of this rat hole, unscathed, with a lot going for me. I would use the guardianship trial as leverage, to make it into the public eye.

When I woke up every morning, I immediately thought of my spirit guides. Whenever I had an interesting dream, or any dream for that matter, I would ask my spirit guides what it meant. One night, I had a dream that I had ate a lot of dirty cat litter. I didn't remember eating it, only that I had done it. Now, it was up to me to clean up the mess I was left with as a result.

What does that dream mean? I asked my guides. They told me it was one of their clients on another plane's issue. We were so close, our minds were so intricately linked, I got the dreams that weren't meant for me. I believed them, always.

This happened, night after night. I got a dream that was meant for someone on another plane. When it happened, I got annoyed. Why can't I have my own dreams?

I woke up one morning, and I got a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. in my head. My guides said he was here, and willing to help me out with the mission. He had been on a mission too, they told me. A lot of people through out history had been on missions specifically designed to make some sort of change in the world. When one mission failed, which they never did, it meant disaster for the plane they were on. One time, a good important mission failed, and it led to something like famine. An energy crisis of some sort.

Well, well, well. Said my guides. Are you ready? We have some energy work to do!

I am ready as I'll ever be, princesses!

Time to begin! We love you, Salioness. Withhold information from the parental units, for this is ground for a lifetime of hospitalizations!

Whoop di do. Withholding information from the parents. It could fill books, how much they didn't know.

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