Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Comic Sans

There was a time a couple months ago when I was randomly reminded a lot of the font Comic Sans. I just had a font stuck in my head. I didn't know the reason.

Later, it became clear why it was happening. It was a reference to looking at the world in a very cheery light. Including incredibly dark issues.

"As the drugs wore holes in his brain he danced and imagined he was talking to a maiden. And then the maiden disappeared, and he came down and remembered he was human."

And I think about this in a cheery light, and it reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut. There was something really intense about the style of his stories and his dark sense of humor that comes up all the time, even though I'm not consciously sure of any of the specific stories I'm getting at.

It's about looking at the world without judgment. "It's not supposed to be cheery it's a real sick dark tragedy!"

I look and think, that's the situation, these are the hard cold facts, and in this particular situation he wasn't all that attached to his brain. There's some sort of expectation to encounter a dark horror story, and there is some sort of ironic or funny twist that makes you laugh. Or more often, think.

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