Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weird Dream

So I had this dream last night. I was in this group of something, like girl scouts only I think it was different people. I was chosen to be the official hot girl. I had to wear a special dress, and when we went places it was my duty to smile and wave at everyone.

Then, this person was telling me that it's a problem how I always change the subject when issues were brought up. As they said this, I was looking at something on the ground. It was this little human-shaped thing, and as I watched it divided like a cell into two human-shaped things. "What's that?" I said, changing the subject.

It turned out to be this deadly thing that would keep dividing and dividing and multiplying and the population would keep growing and growing. As it did this, it would kill everyone. At first we thought it was harmless, and funny, and I was the one who let it outside, with my appointed husband. We were on a TV show, and since I was the hot girl that meant I was also the dumb girl. If I hadn't done that, it wouldn't have killed everyone. So it kept dividing and multiplying and at one point my character had to die. But then I was suddenly this different girl, either that or my character came back to life, and it was just me and this guy in this closet. Outside, it was all little human things. Me and this guy in the closet were the only people left. So we set off some sort of blast outside, wiping out the little multiplying human things. The end.

Good dreams.

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