Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Free Will and the God Connection

So I wanted to talk some on free will. I used to like this page on facebook called The Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry. The reason I liked this page was because I liked the flower of life and sacred geometry. But then the page would post a bunch of crap and I unliked it because the stuff they posted was pissing me off.

So, one of the things they posted was about free will. What it said was, free will is just an illusion, because someone will always decide to do what they think will bring them the greatest amount of pleasure.

This partially true, partially false. It is true that you will only make decisions based on what will bring you the greatest amount of pleasure. That is, decisions regarding actions. But that's not where free will lies. Free will lies in the organization of the mind. So basically, to simplify what I am thinking, you choose what you think, how you think, and what outcome will bring you the most perceived pleasure is based on the way your mind is organized. The way that you chose to organize your mind.

So let's talk about choices and actions. When you make choices, you choose between two different things at a time. You break down each decision into a yes/no question. And then you answer a series of yes/no questions to arrive at your decision.

So say you were deciding between buying the shirt in red, blue, or yellow. First you would think, "Do I like the idea of owning this shirt in red?" And if the answer is yes, you would then ask, "Even though I like it in red, would I prefer it in blue?" If the answer is yes, then you would ask, "Would I like it even better in yellow than blue?"

You organize your mind. All action comes from God. God makes you do things.

Dopamine is what motivates your brain to act. Dopamine is also the pleasure brain chemical. Because it is pleasure that drives you to act. And all feelings of pleasure, on a spiritual level, come from God. So when you have more dopamine you have a stronger connection with God. I mean, in a certain sense. That doesn't mean that God loves you more. But what pleasure is on a spiritual level is connection with God.

So, what I was saying was, you think, God acts for you. Because God is what makes things happen on the physical plane.

I shall revisit this topic later.

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