Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Untitled Witch Sequence

I was visiting my parent's house, and I saw the omen or visual my spirit guides were givine me, of wolves. In the distance, the witches were being hired by Jason again, and they were not friendly, like I was hoping to believe, even though that was stupid. I was in denial over the severity of the situation, I didn't want to think about the ill-will or hatred involved. It was an advantage that we weren't meeting face to face.

Back at Pearl House, something happened that took me off guard, and left me feeling a little defeated. Jason had hired an energy worker to cut the Adult Romance Cord that Jason and I had, which was a burn because the Adult Romance Cord is a cord related to conversation. This was his move to point out he did not like my messages. The cord immediately built back, and I was told that the energy worker he had hired got angry at him for this occurrence, he was harassing me or something. I could keep going, but that was an annoying blow.

Sometimes, when you do witchcraft, you try to present an emotional weakness that your target has, and it allows you to cast harmful spells. I have never read about witchcraft. I have only done a bunch of exercises with my spirit guides in altered states. At one point, they used the three years in elementary school with the social predicament, but this proved not to be a good one. I started teasing them with potential weak spots.

Necrophilia... Nope. Nice try.

"Ooh good one good one, where is your Facebook status on that incident?" The other witch retorted.

The Sims building files... Wooh, that's a burn right there! Save it for hell, as the hellfire will scorch a little more completely than this next exercise!

Ahhh... Diapers? Ha, yeah right that's old, not around anymore dumbass...

"That's the epitome of a lost cause, take your Facebook page down!" the witch said. That was presented as an alternative to suicide, which was bothering him.

Ahhh... I blocked the spells, it was easy. This right here... I presented an image of a rubber ball. "No? No? That's right, I don't get why that's a fetish for some. It's weird to me."

Then, there spell intensity started to weaken. "Should I give you a hand? You really haven't gotten me wanting to die, rather feeling quite chipper and cheery. Do you want to play a game?" I presented as a possible weakness, pretending that I was blocking it out but I pushed it into their scope of reference, an image of the pictures I look at to picture read.

Jason and the witch both did a facepalm or head to desk, and hesitated, and then Jason tried to use it to attack anyway, and so did the other witch or witches (if there were more than one, which I'm not sure). I blocked, with strength, dexterity, and extreme intensity... I blocked with memories of picture reading. That was an exercise that was easy and thorough.

Ooh, you're still wondering what I think about when I masturbate, aren't you? You think that's going to work, ha!

I headed downstairs for nicotine gum. I had a bad habit of pounding on all the doors downstairs to make it come quicker. Standing there waiting, I announced to Jason, perhaps moving my mouth or whispering, you know what I think about? All the stupid unfair occurrences in my life, and right before climax the word "Greta Thunberg." Just the word Greta Thunberg, not an image of her... I waved my finger in the air as I said this.

You said that's... "Fucking cool." I whispered in a deep voice, then pretended to fall over... "AHH!!! Don't quote me!"

I went back upstairs, and resumed fighting. The spells they were doing were not making any headway in getting me suicidal. At one point, I stopped the petty spells and used my psyche in a different way. On a subconscious level, I was waving a baton. It was an exercise I was immediately good at and this baffled me because I had never learned or practiced this time of spell work, I waved an invisible baton and the witches fell still and silent. This black magic was effective.

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