Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Springs A'Drift, Asprung, Afoot, and Onward With a Change In Pace...

It was masterfully the months of spring, and like the master, Donald Trump came to visit the FBI surveillance headquarters. Actually, I don't remember when all this happened, but it was light-hearted and carefree, forgetting for a second about Jason's lack of response (and black magic, which started, to refresh your memories, at Unity 2022), casting off the smug demeanor, to be carefree and senselessly crazy in front of my own computer screen! What are the risks, huh? I can't tell my Computer something, now...

Well, it was funny, but I'm still kind of embarrassed that I said this, but it's the funniest thing you can possibly say right off the bat. Ole Donald Trump was there, and I said, "Well, you and your locker room talk... I say, this is an A-B conversation you can C your way out of it..." Which was my opening line, I chatted about....? Well, I liked that you tried talking to Kim Jong Un, well Conscie doesn't understand diplomacy and Subbie corrects with now now, sometimes you don't even talk to foreign leaders, it's some complicated game. And, well I already know my favorite line is that you call yourself a genius, why not? I don't remember this conversation, what else happened, later I wondered to the screen why shaming a woman in a beauty pageant for gaining weight was a problem with liberals or weirdos, and he said back (actually I want to think he did, my spirit guides could read his mind to see his response), that's the line good people open with, except for the one I used. I remember this same day as I chatted and mumbled and hummed to the rhythm of my computer screen. I picture read Donald Trump, I said I liked what I saw... What are you thinking? That's not a compliment to your appearance though. I actually told him, your appearance isn't very good but you are thinking positive nice thoughts. Because hey, anything goes at Rachel's place.

EDIT: This same day, my dad groaned loudly in his office at random.

Fast-forward, I was living at Pearl House like always, at the house, fixing myself a salad... Something entered my emotional energy field around my body, a sexual pulley thing from Donald Trump. I hesitated, I didn't want to embarrass myself and Subbie doesn't trust his lame attempts to say he respects me too much, but how could this right here hurt? This seemed nice, I grabbed a hold of the cord with my abdomined, we rubber banded back in forth in a sexual manner.

I did not address that issue, or say anything out loud about it. I brain multitasked disregard that incident, to keep Commander Cool, talk about my childhood, the summer I found out about the social predicament, the big Disney blockbuster was Pocahantus, what a lame ass summer. I told him about how I knew that because I was thinking it but didn't know it was really you telling me this Donald, hehehe, that you liked or felt strongly about the temper tantrum my mom threw in early 2017, when she cleaned up the kitchen and she had an emotional response to me not holding her hand through the paper work while I was undergoing Fish Out of Water Psychology. This right here is an example of why I don't feel stupid, talking up Donald Trump, because this was a pleasant thought of Donald Trump. So...

I went back to talking about all sorts of little kid things, unusual psyche occurrences, not normal things like bike rides or drinking from the hose, things like remembering, oh hey good one Subbie... That one morning I was in Indiana and I woke, and I was 6, I thought the entire day passed, and it was the next morning, after waking up from this occurrence. It was all this wonderful stuff that was promised this lifetime, "But there's a catch..." Ian's voice, and I knew that meant this was bad news. That was familiar, and this was a little kid memory. Then, hey Subbie what else do you know, hey Subbie what else do you know... Forget the mannequins, get this on screen though, whatever by Donald Trump I want to talk to Subbie and normalize a little.

Another day, I was sitting in my room, at Pearl House, talking to the computer, pointing out Donald Trump was making jokes about virgin blood. Jason through some energy at me and interjected, "Yes, that's not a hard joke either that's easy..." I moved when the energy hit me, and later pointed out that wasn't the punchline though, the jokes flow and keep the psyche happy, like normal functioning brains.

The other time, I remember talking to Donald Trump, I was confiding in him about something very personal I will risk sharing, which is that I've wished people who do something as litte as unfriend me on Facebook, back in the dayz of 2018/2019, when mental collapse narrowlly overted itself due to my steady piloting, something as horrific as suicidal ideations. If I was to do a report of my thoughts, I would point to this as something for potential worry and that was bothering me. Was that that bad? The short answer from Donald Trump was no, and I dismissed it then as well, as wow this isn't an obsessive interest in them feeling bad, this was dinky and not holding a lot of emotional energy, not a strong lucid passionate thought. It was Donald Trump who said no, and whether or not it was really him is irrelevant, as the more I thought on it, I have phased it out now, and that wasn't something that was important to me. If I really thought about it, and what that looks like, the experience of wanting to take your own life, no I don't actually wish this on anyone, in the past too but especially now. And that's my token word extravaganze for now...

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