Well first of all, it's fitting that this is a child saying this. I will continue as Charlie asks his mother this question.
What is it, Charlie?
How come people who didn't vote for John McCain cared that he died?
Well, Charlie, that is a big question! Big enough for... Mr. Snarkie Pants!
(Mrs. Brown pulls out a sock puppet, and uses a funny voice to answer Charlie's question)
Well, that's a poser Charlie... How would you feel if your little sister Sally was beaten viciously by a gang of thugs and was in such awful pain she could barely move?
Well, that would be terrible!
But didn't you pick on her yesterday and call her ugly?
Well I didn't mean it! She was poking me and I didn't like it!
Do you want her to suffer?
Do you love her?
Do you want her to run the country?
Now that's just ridiculous, Mr. Snarkie Pants!
See, in the adult world, sometimes we like someone but don't want them to run the country. Liberals like John McCain, but felt he was a weak candidate compared to Obama.
Did liberals invent the concept of childish insults?
No, there are both childish liberals insulting conservatives and childish conservatives insulting liberals.
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