Innercept, 2010
Oil spill on the news.
I was living in the little suburbia duplex with the other misfits and scoundrels that were hopeless cases. The others, or the peeps, or some kind of clan... We inhabited a house and didn't have to bust our asses working because our parents were giving us a comfortable lifestyle with no driving.
Anyway... I was withdrawing from Geodon at the time, or maybe still had it in my system. It was summer, and I was sunning myself, but I sunned none. Except the Almighty Son, and his sons of mine are family witherspoon.
In my spare time, I wanted to write a musical. I got fixated on musicals, so I programmed a dinky random note generator, plugged it into my Garageband equipment, and came up with creative sounds. All by myself. In the summer of 2010. The trick was to dink around and shift the notes some, creative genius.
And this was when I was so far gone, they thought there was no bringing Rachel back. The bipolar disorder had cycled out of control.