Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Friday, August 30, 2024

Sexual Wooing Energy: A Raunchy Evil Sick Joke, Satan & God, XOXO

Is sexual wooing energy designed by Satan?

Or is it with God's permission, and he uses it to his advantage, but it spreads evil.

Sexual wooing energy, when used on a woman or Rachel specifically, makes her gungho about pleasing the subject.

Now, the part I want you to understand of my story, 2019 September, an awkward special month. I saw Jason thinking in my picture of him, I might be happier if I marry Rachel.

Then I told him.

There's something wrong with this. Reading other people. Then telling them.

Leavenworth, Washington. A roast of the host of the coast, toast? Post on, until then.

Hey, what I was going to point out was, I got lost in a fantasy when I noticed this, or it was already happened that gave me permission.

This was a private fantasy. Jason shouldn't have known about it, unless he can feel when I pull at him in the mattress. Actually, it's not if, it's to what degree, he proved to me he notices.

So, Rachel saw Jason thinking about marrying Rachel, then Rachel got caught up fantasizing... It was about living some sort of sexual dream, with the uber babe Jason who was just so fucking hot it bothered everyone... Hate, new word for you bimbo.

Rachel tried to explain it to Jason the best she could. There were never any guys who wanted me, besides a couple or a few and Matthew of course. No one, there was no lively experimentation with sex, I was never popular sexually. I didn't experience proper adolescence.


As I come down from the sexual wooing energy cocoon of raw sex energy, I see that a woman being as forceful as I was about this, (which to me sounded like repeatedly saying, we could and should check out this sexual situation between us, and him not wanting to live a little and paying attention to his marriage vows.

Actually, there was a plan in case Jason changed his mind and married me. The mission would go somewhere else then.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Miss Ethics Seeks Pleasure in the Form of Facebook Status Tirades, Whimsy Astounds

My life, I can't predict. I don't understand why I should eat every day. I eat every single day. If there are rumors that I am a pig, I have gone out to restaurants alone when that was the only activity on this shit ass plane that excited the nerve endings, granted my social handicap prevents me from feeling like I can connect with others. Also, I can't talk about things that are important to me because everything involves character and people get pissed when I talk about character, to themselves and I have to think about it because of Subbie. Other than that, damn I hate restaurants. Like, God damn. I hate even more ordering from Grubhub, but my brain requires fuel. I have to make an effort to withstanding the haughty taughty naughty gagging smells of restaurants, God they irritate me like a shitty perfume smelling like delish in your kish sandwich with fries, yuck. If I go out, it would be to a coffee shop, because coffee shops are not included with most restaurants. I hate restaurants, and if I'm a pig to you, you're actually the more pig-like one because I have freedom from food fixation, but I have to eat sometimes like everyone. In that way, I'm more human than all of you, because I have transcended the belief that food is the ultimate satisfaction. The ultimate satisfaction to me is death, wink wink nudge nudge, Aaron.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Developing Kindness: Forgive Preachy Hypocrite Assumption, of me

To develop kindness, the spiritual model is to start by devoting emotional resources into vicariously feeling pain over other's problems. This results in a decisive effort to solve the problem, and after you do so, you can learn to practice sympathy, not empathy, especially when dealing with Earth Plane horrific situations. You don't want to empathize with everything. You first learn empathy. Than you learn to block it out, and respond.

Also, in regards to Jodie. The call in I got from her in the shower was that you learn to distance yourself from situations when you blame the person.

I have had people look at a spirit-induced (fake) embarrassing look on my face, and not believe it and laugh it off, practically. That's what it seems like, given the situation. Don't believe my facial expression? Good, because the spirits mess with that too and that means you have proper empathy, or sympathy in this situation (not sure, have not asked).

With regards to puberty, you have to start by minding your own business when it comes to other's problems. When others reach out to you about their issues, then you can give your input and focus on installing a solid base of empathy. This is something that takes numerous lifetimes and work on the other side to develop, and sometimes the process is ugly.

Only then, can you reach the Golden Standard and complete unity with Christ. I was told to say Buddha instead though, so praise be with him as well.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Vortex Hot Spot For Jason's Will and Energy

The situation reached a marked heated spot when Jason came out of the bed, and bounced around the room, taunting me with lines I had to strain my ears to hear. It wasn't really him, as I knew, this was the person I had been cuddling each night through the mattress, though. I had to be drunk to withstand this torment, it was hateful and bitter. At the liquor store, the woman didn't bother to ID me and I had my ID.

This part was not that long, as it was July turning into August. If there is a part I forgot, of the heated battle, I will remember later and note. The part I wanted to explain, was how we were in some sort of lock, the witches, Jason, and I, we were in some sort of lock as I reacted with indifference to his hate, than he sent woo. "Hey, what's this? Don't go limp, don't go limp, don't go limp you empty void of a person... GOD..." Yes, Jason... I was right it was sexual wooing energy all along. He was in over his head though, still.

Each night, my wind down routine included plugging in the phone, and plugging in the computer.

Then, Jason got a supernatural knife, made use of the connection we had to try to cut my aura at the heart while I was sitting on the bed, I had to get away from the bed, but instead I drank liquor and that worked quicker. I had no resting or sitting spot, and the bed was a vortex hot spot for Jason's will and energy. He did not succeed at cutting, and I don't remember what happened at this point. I had to be wasted, and he was pulling me from a distance, than Witch C came up, fired a bunch of warning shots, and at night was in my bed comforting me through the mattress, as its a traveling spot for human souls. A place of easy entry, or easy reaching, and a window of opportunity if you like to leave the mattress at your own place. There was no place to sit or perch.

Sleep Was Easy..

"Stuff a cock in it, we'll have you committing suicide either by midnight tonight or tomorrow by noon lunch hour." The new witch in charge invited with a furious tone.

"No, I make the rules around here. This is my turf."

Ooh, I bet you didn't think of... He put into my frame of vision a hamburger with cheese, and I sucked a breath in with enthusiasm and then pushed it out.

"Tell me, tell me, honey, sweetie, what is your worst fear..." Ian cooed to me, pretending to be Alfred.

"You know what it is and that's secret, dum-dum-fuck." I retaliated and the first shot was hired, which I was quick to block.

"Well, we'll need a neat playlist for the occasion..." I whispered, then reached over with my hand for the computer. I was hit by two more spells, got back up, and went through my music library, scrolled, and put on a song to shoot magic to.

"Ooh, Nelly Air Force Ones. Good grief.." Ian tickled his ear and yawned. I yawned as well.

"Geez, this song brings back memories..." I was reminded and did not hesitate to point out to them, I remember listening to this song with my mom, and I remember walking around the loop in 2020 wearing my mom's shoes, and my mom during the after effects of Fish Out of Water Psychology was placed in my mind and then..."

They groaned. Geez, "what a hot tapestry of emotionally charged incidences,"

Jason took the clit pounder, and pounded my clit while saying "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom..."

"You have a point there?" I retorted, with unwavering strength as if this had not bothered me in the slightest.

Fury raged through Jason, I could feel him sending anger and hatred.

"Well, this song here will calm the mind..."

I played NF Time. It was a song that was on the radio as I was being transported in 2019, after thinking that Jason and I would be hitched.

Then, I fell backwards in slumber. I fell right asleep.

When I awoke several hours later, there was a hubbub of Jason going nuts, the witches were holding him back as he wanted to burst forward.

"Ha. You die now."

"Outstanding! Can you send a ladder so I can climb out of this dilapidated shack known as Pearl House?"

"Suck a cock, like you know how to!" Jason screamed. "How dare she! How dare she bring that up..." he burst forward and started doing a spell, a killing spell, I fell back and lied there, then lost consciousness. I drifted in an out of consciousness, in when Jason started doing the kill spell again, out when he lost his nerve and back to sleep I went.

In the morning, I woke up with a cheery smile. Gee, Jason, I sure hope you did some permanent damage that will hasten the death process considerably.

I had had a dream about being molested. I was living my life, and it turns out I was blocking something out: I was molested. Then, I realized I was blocking something else out... I was still being molested. Then, I figured out I was blocking something else out: My life had consisted of nothing but being molested, and it was still going on.

And an image of a golf puck.

[Abrupt Ending]

The Next Morning...

I awoke from a dream. I do not remember the dream, but Subbie said something, upon waking. "Let me show you something right here." I closed my eyes and started to drift off, and my focus went to a small stairway and someone hiding with a flashlight and evil intentions, right next to it. "Jason is still not done."

I had to sleep each night on the mattress, the same one Jason did some sort of sexually aggravating spell on me on. I couldn't lie down in the bed without trying to grab Jason, and imagine in a delusional way that things were fine between us. This was still a struggle I was going through. He was the only person within range of me on the spiritual plane, and he was the only person who was actually real to me, in a certain way.

Jason could feel it when I rolled around on the mattress and tried to grab for him. He got so pissed off he started fighting me again, for that reason alone, the mattress issue. I turned the mattress over which helped the problem, to some degree.

"I can't help it that I'm not blind. I can't help it that I'm not blind." Jason kept saying, he said it to Subbie and I heard it consciously. I eventually figured out why he said this. He had placed an emotional connotation of him in my lamp, and I kept staring and talking to the lamp for comfort. When I figured this out, it made me particularly ill and I fell back on my bed in a frightening tapestry of imagining taking a knife and slitting my wrists, no, my throat to make it quicker. "Hmm. I did not like that," said Jason. Like a trooper I went downstairs, took a prn of Zyprexa, and went to sleep. Sleep was essential to getting through this ordeal, it was a magic bullet.

Untitled Witch Sequence

I was visiting my parent's house, and I saw the omen or visual my spirit guides were givine me, of wolves. In the distance, the witches were being hired by Jason again, and they were not friendly, like I was hoping to believe, even though that was stupid. I was in denial over the severity of the situation, I didn't want to think about the ill-will or hatred involved. It was an advantage that we weren't meeting face to face.

Back at Pearl House, something happened that took me off guard, and left me feeling a little defeated. Jason had hired an energy worker to cut the Adult Romance Cord that Jason and I had, which was a burn because the Adult Romance Cord is a cord related to conversation. This was his move to point out he did not like my messages. The cord immediately built back, and I was told that the energy worker he had hired got angry at him for this occurrence, he was harassing me or something. I could keep going, but that was an annoying blow.

Sometimes, when you do witchcraft, you try to present an emotional weakness that your target has, and it allows you to cast harmful spells. I have never read about witchcraft. I have only done a bunch of exercises with my spirit guides in altered states. At one point, they used the three years in elementary school with the social predicament, but this proved not to be a good one. I started teasing them with potential weak spots.

Necrophilia... Nope. Nice try.

"Ooh good one good one, where is your Facebook status on that incident?" The other witch retorted.

The Sims building files... Wooh, that's a burn right there! Save it for hell, as the hellfire will scorch a little more completely than this next exercise!

Ahhh... Diapers? Ha, yeah right that's old, not around anymore dumbass...

"That's the epitome of a lost cause, take your Facebook page down!" the witch said. That was presented as an alternative to suicide, which was bothering him.

Ahhh... I blocked the spells, it was easy. This right here... I presented an image of a rubber ball. "No? No? That's right, I don't get why that's a fetish for some. It's weird to me."

Then, there spell intensity started to weaken. "Should I give you a hand? You really haven't gotten me wanting to die, rather feeling quite chipper and cheery. Do you want to play a game?" I presented as a possible weakness, pretending that I was blocking it out but I pushed it into their scope of reference, an image of the pictures I look at to picture read.

Jason and the witch both did a facepalm or head to desk, and hesitated, and then Jason tried to use it to attack anyway, and so did the other witch or witches (if there were more than one, which I'm not sure). I blocked, with strength, dexterity, and extreme intensity... I blocked with memories of picture reading. That was an exercise that was easy and thorough.

Ooh, you're still wondering what I think about when I masturbate, aren't you? You think that's going to work, ha!

I headed downstairs for nicotine gum. I had a bad habit of pounding on all the doors downstairs to make it come quicker. Standing there waiting, I announced to Jason, perhaps moving my mouth or whispering, you know what I think about? All the stupid unfair occurrences in my life, and right before climax the word "Greta Thunberg." Just the word Greta Thunberg, not an image of her... I waved my finger in the air as I said this.

You said that's... "Fucking cool." I whispered in a deep voice, then pretended to fall over... "AHH!!! Don't quote me!"

I went back upstairs, and resumed fighting. The spells they were doing were not making any headway in getting me suicidal. At one point, I stopped the petty spells and used my psyche in a different way. On a subconscious level, I was waving a baton. It was an exercise I was immediately good at and this baffled me because I had never learned or practiced this time of spell work, I waved an invisible baton and the witches fell still and silent. This black magic was effective.