Spiritual Musings on a Chemical World

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Danny Elfman's Story Request

Innercept, 2010

Oil spill on the news.

I was living in the little suburbia duplex with the other misfits and scoundrels that were hopeless cases. The others, or the peeps, or some kind of clan... We inhabited a house and didn't have to bust our asses working because our parents were giving us a comfortable lifestyle with no driving.

Anyway... I was withdrawing from Geodon at the time, or maybe still had it in my system. It was summer, and I was sunning myself, but I sunned none. Except the Almighty Son, and his sons of mine are family witherspoon.

In my spare time, I wanted to write a musical. I got fixated on musicals, so I programmed a dinky random note generator, plugged it into my Garageband equipment, and came up with creative sounds. All by myself. In the summer of 2010. The trick was to dink around and shift the notes some, creative genius.

And this was when I was so far gone, they thought there was no bringing Rachel back. The bipolar disorder had cycled out of control.

Truth: Honesty, God, and America First Please

I tell the truth. When I say I am joking, I kid.

When are you lying? I lie about alcohol. I lie because it keeps me alive, believe it or not.


What were the police doing at my Subway location yesterday, hmm? I am law-abiding, sitting and have a sandwich at Subway, and why did Rachel... She went to the restroom for an awful long time and when she came out, the police were still standing at the counter. I have committed no crime. Are you mad at me about something? Tell me, ENGLISH!


Monday, February 10, 2025

Donald Trump: The World's Fastest Swimmer

Nothing like rewatching the newstory about how Donald Trump made headlines. When he fumbles, the world looks on. With succes after success, God only knows if he's in God's favor or not, but at least Donald Trump tries. He tries to make the best impression, and as some don't really fathom, he bit the right human.

Forgive us, we are only the peasant spirit doers. We have no interest in humiliating Donald Trump, only in bending him in the right direction that will prove an advantage in the polls. Donald Trump, young at 78, will never be better than Bill Clinton. He knows he can never live up to the master, Bill Clinton. Instead, he scoffs at his supporters, makes them drink his piss, and wipes us a new one every time we dream about him. How long can this possibly go on? Will he ever confess to God his sins?

One person, Rachel Zuhl, thinks he will surprise everyone. What a presidency! He walked into the white house less than a month ago, and he is already stomping around like he owns the place! The hypocrisy!

He could visit the poor, the sick, the needy (in essence, the Rachel Zuhls of the world), instead, he finds hope on the golf course. He swings and bats and gets shit done, is what all his consituents say. I say differently. DJT, you need to realize that this is a steady time of shit the world is giving the American people. We need someone who knows the right tricks, the tools of the trade, not the eye-candy cherry eater he often turns the smiles of the folks upside down, how cruel. Upside down, all the blood flows to the brain, and turns you into a mile a minute thinking, laugher, and conceptualizer. In essence, Rachel Zuhl.

Can he live on envying the extraordinary, while chewing on the ordinary? No one really knows. They only know that if he fails, we don't get a better president of the United States. In fact, we don't know if that man has any rapist algorithms on his computer, even. The horror.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Art and Science of Deception: Knowing Nothing For Sure Because The Spirits Lie

When the guides first entered my life, I wanted proof of their existence. They don't predict things, usually. Anyway... The story of the pivotal moment of solidification of belief in John Lennon died in 1980. I seriously had no idea that was the year and he told me. No idea, I didn't even know he was shot. I thought he died in a car crash. He couldn't correct me and that was a situation I understood, I can't listen to things when they might be disproven, if the spirits say them. Don't tell me things that might be disproven because they often are. Quimby Ghulotti, second coming of Jesus in 2013, and other things they actually do on purpose. I love it because of the official nature of the work, which is to act like a child. I wonder what some of these herbs I have sitting here do (due). Not dew I don't drink it.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Other Morning...

Well, I have been keeping a tid bit from my readers. There was some reason I had to wait to right now to tell the story from awhile ago or not that long ago but maybe several weeks, dunno how long, maybe a month I guess?

I was awake in the wee hours of the morning as usual, and there was someone attacking me and I was blocking, or so I thought. At some point they were finished attacking me, and I was left with something wrong with my brain. It's hard to understand, but the part of my brain I move or something... I was hooked like I was caught in a strait jacket, with the dopamine receptors or something, maybe serotonin as well, as I heard in my head that this thing sort of recreates serotonin syndrome (my spirit guides told me my mom has this, where the serotonin receptors aren't working properly), but even sicker and weirder. I didn't panic, I sat there, and as I explained to the FBI, moved the brain parts in a fashion that kind of resembled Bernice trying to brush her hair after she bobbed it in the classic high school English class movie, "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." I did not panic or worry. There were thoughts of feeling like a victim going through my mind right here, and I instructed myself to stop whining as it was getting in the way of me freeing myself from this (it was a simple command, 'stop whining,' not a belittling to Conscie "whine whine you whiner kind of deal, which the witch I was looking at with my subconscious mind, saw and thought was important), and not very much time later I was back to normal, I found a way to get them apart, and it was something I remembered that I could recreate.

The witch continued to watch, as he thought later might be a good time to try this again, but ha later isn't an issue if you're me.

There was something in my mind about how this entangled brain state snaps together when the subject panics, which due to spirit guide training I don't do.

Also, this was Mr. Fictitious Last Name Michael's (I can't use his name anymore for some reason, not sure so I'll just say this), attempt at getting me to commit suicide, and it costed more than the kitchen sink and stuff, I was told $50,000 but this might not be exact. This was part of a rainy day/retirement fund he had, and it was blown in one fall swoop as the witch gets paid based on the work he does, there isn't a satisfaction guarantee. The witch treated me in a slightly sweet manner after this, and then disappeared.

I laughed my head off at this situation. I was told by my spirit guides this guy thought he would make money from interviews with the media afterwards.

Anyway, I wasn't worried. Then they did it again at one point, someone did, don't know if it was on a whim of a witch or if they were paid again, I woke up and my brain was like this again. I did not panic, worked under pressure, it was harder this time but I got it undone and back to normal without panicing, just a small release of a neurotransmitter that I was annoyed by because I wanted it to be completely done in stride and forgotten about, which it was. The neurotransmitter was a feeling of horror concerned with the situation, which was mild but not conducive to the task at hand.

Then, the other morning, I don't remember what I was doing when I noticed, but they got me hitched up and tangled another way, which I patiently tried to resolve, and eventually succeeded, but it was in a way designed specifically for the mindflip, which if I have, and I am not lying, and you know that you shouldn't try to interfere it means I am right.

So I was left again with the classic scenario of the guy who threw his life savings out the window. The witch had told him this was impossible to get out of, but nope I did it with the mindflip.

I don't know if they have theories, but if you can rewire the brain in some way, it indicates design, which indicates God exists, and Christian framework. Well, no, but I have it. Close enough, yes.

Monday, November 4, 2024

The Year Was 2023: Continued

After I was hit by the black magic attack, which I had to do knowing I was on the twig, meaning danger if I make a false move, maybe. This was serious, I was fighting him off but after awhile I started to see fuzz in the air like I was becoming mildly psychotic: Fuzz with depth, which I consider psychosis, and it doesn't ever happen any other time. I wasn't sure if I was making the right decision or not, but as my head was spinning in a circle, it felt like it but my head wasn't moving... I went downstairs and said, "I'm still not taking the antipsychotics."

I had to sleep, but my brain wasn't going to let me. I went downstairs to take a klonopin, I took one, but it didn't take effect. I started crying. How irresponsible, they do something to my brain against my wishes that causes it to not work properly. In that moment, I thought the enjoyment I got out of life would not be present anymore, the thing that makes altered states interesting would no longer happen. I remembered back to a day when I still lived at my parent's house: I was a little bit suicidal and had a dream, according to Subbie I didn't remember, that Subbie died. I realized that it was about this (this was a theory), and it was the psychosis black magic that had robbed me of my enjoyment in life, as Isis the Pearl House employee asks me if I want to weigh myself too, which made me naturally assume the black magic thing was a Pearl House Event for staff.

I realized that the dream was not of the neural pathway between Subbie and Conscie being severed, rather, it was of the geodesic dome which is the mindflip being thrown to the ground and shattered, done by someone else. It was the saddest thing ever and I let myself cry. However, my brain returned to normal after enough sleep, with limited defects. It required both marijuana and alcohol to knock me out.

The Year Was 2023

I clung to life, or some sort of hope, in my bedroom. At one point I was so lost, without love/close friendships, I had nothing but the mattress and I clung to Donald Trump through the mattress. People don't like it when I cling to them through the mattress. When it comes to the mattress imprints or connections through the mattress, this is my toy and I am pro. I don't know if other people experience this mattress issue, or if it is just me. Yes, black magic makes it really stick, without being able to leave if I'm pulling on you. You can try to one-up me, but this is not a boring toy. People touch me through the mattress. I was wondering if the laws of the natural world changed and this is something that happens, bed astral projection.

So, the day after the anniversary of Suicide For Hire, I was living it up with Chris Sepelak that night and the spell hit. The coincidence was I was listening at the time to the right Tupac song with the right line in it, and so of course I shared it on Facebook and I knew right here that this was not him being friendly, and you can laugh about how I didn't know that afterwards but I see no harm in this situation. I was in denial, which is a long-winded psychology discussion. Donald Trump gave me a kiss right before this happened to say goodbye, which was experienced in the air around the room, not on any particular body part of mine.

So, I came back and I knew that the miracle had happened! Now, it would come to light the injustice of 2022, when I was clinging to my sanity during a blocked out for much of it, I noticed it at the time, acknowledged it was Jason, and didn't remember later... Anyway, I had various incidents of disrespect by staff during this showdown, which started with just Jason, and became a full-out battle with many witches, which I remember in retrospect as a stressful but valued life memory. As I acknowledged at the time, this was a childhood issue, and I would come out on top of my psychology circuit in the realm of the strongest person, in some attempts of quantifying healthy life experiences, as this was a healthy life experience, so what I can't quote Dr. Dre, Eminem? Is that some thing about being white?

Anyway, after experiencing the blow in terms of a spell, I was excited and ready for change. Well, the worldwide witch community all knew the stories of me fighting off Jason and the other witches, so that would come to light. I didn't expect this to happen beforehand, and now I knew it would.

I talked to Aaron on the spiritual plane, and he told me he liked women who had a few extra pounds, which was an attempt to make me eat more but sorry I didn't want to. He told me he liked how the song "Life Goes On" came on right after No More Pain and Hearts of Men on the Tupac CD, which Subbie pointed out and I listened.

I don't have anything positive to say about this guy, he kept saying on the spiritual plane that it must be the tryptophan in turkey, and he kept forgetting what I said about how my experiences in 2018 dining out were not my preferred activity, I had no friends because of the mission and there was something wrong. This experience was depressing. Usually I ate at Sweet Tomato, because my brain required mega nutrients and one of the perks of the mindflip is it requires you to have a healthy attitude about eating extra, which I could handle.

So, video montage of an artistic nature, it still didn't register that it was an attempt to make me commit suicide, even when he told me to commit suicide through the mattress, and I clutched him and told him to go over all the reasons why I should, and he got irked out but... I'm not sure what happened then, but the next thing that happened, they switched from black magic love spells, to psychosis black magic, which I found I was able to counter and the experience of blocking psychosis black magic was so fun, it renewed my passion for life and made me want to live again!

When things get entertaining, I start to want to live.

I regret nothing.